Friday, May 22, 2009

"How to be romantic?"

Romance is a way to demonstrate your love. Being romantic often gives an idealistic sheen to your relationship that some people dream about. If your relationship seems to be lacking something, try these steps to be romantic and add some more loving to your relationship.

  1. Be creative to personalize the gesture. One of the most effective tools for romance is to truly know your partner. Find out what he or she likes and wants. The more you know, the more you can personalize your romance. Red roses on Valentines Day might be traditional but they are rarely romantic, especially if you buy the same red roses every year. Instead, try to personalize the gesture, and not just for a holiday.
  2. Make time to be alone. Romance needs couple time away from the daily routine and pressures. It is possible to be romantic in a house full of kids but it takes more work. Sometimes, you just need to get out of the house and spend time alone talking and touching each other.
  3. Surprise your love. If she already knows you love her, what more is there to romance, you might ask? You can be romantic every day if you want. Try to surprise the person you love by bringing home her favorite dessert, offering to cook dinner one night when she is tired or buying her a massage at the spa to celebrate a completed project at work. Romance is hard to plan, so be spontaneous and surprise the person in your life.
4.Consider a little competition. Who is the most romantic person in your relationship?
Is it you or your spouse? If you need to spark the romance, try a little competition. Come up with gifts and plans to be together and compete to see who has the better idea. Don’t let the competition get carried away but remember a little competition can be healthy and can get you both motivated to be more romantic.

5.Plan an adventure. For some, romance is about getting away from the day to day in order to do something daring. Offer your partner the chance to have an adventure together. Plan a hike or rafting vacation if you both enjoy the outdoors. Head to a racetrack or indoor fun park if that is more your speed. Just be sure to have your adventure together doing something you both enjoy.

6.Be sincere
. If you do not feel the romance, don’t try to fake it. Insincerity is more heartbreaking than disinterest. Be fair to the person in your life by being sincere in your romance. Don’t do things you don’t feel just because you think you are supposed to.