Sunday, June 7, 2009

How to Forget About a Girl You Like

1. Stick with your decision! At this point you are comitting to do one thing only... leaving the possibility of a relationship behind. If you cannot fully commit to your decision you will continually be re-establishing emotional feelings (the cause of your thoughts). You must agree with this decision! If not, then you are not ready.
2. Limit your interaction with this person. Although you have feelings for this person, giving yourself time and distance away from this person will cause you to have less interactions and less thoughts. Giving yourself at least one week of minimal interaction is necessary but this varies from person to person. This WILL be difficult.
3. Find a replacement. Your thoughts must happen. You cannot simply take away thoughts and have a day without them filled with moments of you sitting in a deep daze. It is the brain's function to think and a thought can ONLY BE REPLACED! You need to find a new hobby to fill this new void. The best thing to do is to get out with some friends while obeying step 2. Friends also have full lives and when their interactions mix with yours, you find yourself listening and learning many new things and ideas.
4. Do something! Again, follow step 3. If you are in a room with only a chair you have nothing else to do but think. But if you're on the move you think about your actions, so do something.
5. Relax and try to have fun. If you picked an activity that is highly stressful, chances are that you are going to return to your "safe place" and recall your thoughts. Always remind yourself that you are moving forward and becoming happier.

* Give yourself plenty of time. It can be a very long period
* Remember that you are not alone. Many people have experienced similar emotions and have pulled through.
* If you were in a relationship with this person, do what you need to clear any images or objects that will remind you of this person. Pack them in a box, put them under your bed, hide them in a shoe box in your closet, or put them in the trash. Think of something creative.
* Do not tell anyone WHO you like. Never give names. Talking to people about your crush increases your chances of your crush hearing about it. This definitely breaks step 1. However, talking about your difficulties is always good but you don't want anyone to figure out who you are talking about. Just use the phase "this girl I know" instead of her name.
* If your crush has a boyfriend... get to know him. There is a good chance that you two will have something in common since you like the same girl. This can help a lot. Because when he opens up to you about his girlfriend you will listen. This helps two-fold because: 1) You create a stronger friendship with this new guy and 2) you get to vent and hear all your thoughts come into action. You may even be able to give him suggestions (if he is comfortable). In any manner, as long as you see her rarely, you complete all the steps.
* Its good to remember that you cannot see the future. Even if you broke step 1 and went for the girl there is a good chance that the relationship may never even work. At this point in time it is much better to keep your memories of your and her happiness as they are now. If things failed, you could have some miserable memories and it may just be better pretending that it would have been great. (Think about it) If the Woman you were once interested in marries another man and not you then have no further interaction with her even in a friendly way. Completely shut her out of your thoughts and move on with your life there will be another woman and eventually you will find happiness and have a meaningful relationship.
* Always be careful about what activities you choose to help distract yourself. Things like sports or crafts are always good. Try to find something with maximum interaction with other people. Conversation helps to distract you, as long as you stay away form the topic of your love interests, otherwise it is pointless. Sports like golf or tennis aren't very helpful - you spend too much time not talking, and it can allow your mind to start wondering.
* Try to think of it this way, this girl is sorta ruining your life. This happened to me, but then I got a replacement for this. I was a much happier person. Also if that doesn't work then think that the girl is a truck in your life and you are a person in front, what will you do to stay alive, get away from the truck, so to substitute it The girl is the truck and the you are the person, move away from her, be strong. You made the decision. Stick to your guns!
* For Catholics set up an appointment with your parish priest and discuss the issue with him just because he's a priest he was once a young man. And he went through some of the same things so he understands what it's like when relationships with women go wrong and he can give you advice. Or discuss it with a minister of your choice a rabbi once helped me when my childhood sweet heart decided another man was better than me.

* If you feel that you cannot do this on your own or are feeling very depressed call a friend at 1-800-784-2433 or 1-800-448-3000. Don't be scared! Call them up and just tell them "THIS SUCKS!" They like it! If you haven't had a random conversation with a stranger, this will be fun and will definitely fulfill step 4 and possibly save a life.
* Never resort to alcohol as a way to help ease the pain of rejection sure it may feel good in the short term but in the long run it can and will harm your health ,and lead to an abundance of problems it can even get you thrown into jail. Get professional help if necessary.